Monday, June 6, 2016


I'm pleased to announce that according to randomizer the winner of the SIGNED hardcover copy of UNIDENTIFIED SUBURBAN OBJECT by Mike Jung is

Congratulations, Rosi! Expect an email from me asking for your mailing address.

* * *

Please note: I'm taking a blogging break for a few weeks so I can focus on revising my verse novel. I received some fantastic feedback on it at the Highlights Foundation workshop on Novels in Verse in late May. Those five days were a magical experience, filled with learning, sharing, and making new friends. Really, we felt more like a family by the end. The food was heavenly, we took walks without seeing a single vehicle (!), and there was plenty of built-in time for writing. I'll be back in July with a more-detailed recap of my adventures.

I'll leave you with some photos from Highlights. My cabin was the second from the left. Rustic and cozy and very conducive to writing.


  1. Congrats to Rosi! Good luck on the revisions, Joanne. Awesome that you got so much out of the Highlights workshop.

  2. Wow. The Highlights workshop always sounds good-- Rich Wallace is a writer who really understands middle grade, and he is often there. Write a lot and enjoy the bit of pampering. If you're around at all, here's a questions--2016 08:23:07
    In Myracle's Genie in a Bottle, Abby was reading this book for a read-a-thon! That was funny. Have you ever done the 48 Hour Book Challenge? Interested in it for next year? Let me know!

    1. Highlights Workshops are excellent. I put off going for many years because of the price, but it was TOTALLY worth it!

  3. Best of luck with the blogging break. Never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Your verse novel must be a fun one to write.

    1. It's challenging, Greg, but I'm really into it! Thanks.

  4. Yay! I'm very excited! Thanks for picking me. I will be going to Boyds Mills in August for a workshop with David L. Harrison on poetry. So looking forward to it. It is such a magical place. I haven't been for a few years, so I am super excited to be going. Good luck with your revisions.

    1. Woo hoo! Another Highlights workshop. That will be so nice for you. I saw your quote on the website about the last one you attended! A magical place, indeed.

  5. Your Highlights workshop sounds heavenly! I'm sure you're going to be really inspired to finish those revisions. Enjoy your break! And congrats to Rosi!

    1. I've already started, Jenni. And yes, "inspiring" is a word that's used often by Highlights Foundation attendees!

  6. Oh my goodness, those cabins!! It looks absolutely heavenly~ I hope I'll get to go to a workshop there someday. So glad you got useful feedback and best of luck with your revision!

  7. So excited you're going on a Highlights retreat! Very, very cool. I'd love to go someday. I know Theresa M. has attended a few and she's loved them. I think she's going this year, too. Enjoy and best of luck revising!

  8. Thanks so much, Joanne! Yay! I am looking forward to this one. I know the Highlights workshops well. I usually stay in cabin 19 up the hill. And I hear Marcia is back in the kitchen. Wonderful stuff. So glad you could go.

  9. So excited for Rosi! The Highlights workshop sounds like fun! :)

    Hope the writing is going well.


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